Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Diary Entry

This is my first attempt at fiction. Due to technical difficulties, I stand in the shoes of one of the characters and pen down this diary entry.

Dec 20, 2008

I learnt what it takes to build relationships and understood the multi-faceted nature of friendship. I learnt how hard it is to resurrect one and understandably, underwent the hardships associated with it. I learnt how tough, overcoming mental stress is and despite this, presenting oneself in the best manner possible to overcome the acrimony is a yeomen service one is rendering, just for maintaining a friendship. I experienced the fury when a smiling face had to be put up just for the heck of it. I did come across joy, warmth, and the exuberance associated with a pure, heart-felt and lovely relationship called FRIENDSHIP. I admit, I got a feel of happiness only, and put behind me, the melancholic past after I learnt to bridge that inconspicuous gender gap that had clogged our re-union. And this bridging put an end to the months-long ordeal.

I realized, there’s nothing more sorrow than accepting your friend’s straight face and there’s not anything that could make you happier than the delight, your friend bestows you with, even for a few seconds. I definitely want to forget the sorrow of the former but the happiness accompanied with the latter shall be treasured all my life and beyond a stage, I yearned for the wonderful moments we once shared. Can you imagine your friend not giving a smile at you, and pretend to have not even taken notice of you, after having sat just near you, for an hour? But how is it, when your buddy calls early in the morning at 6, even after three missed calls, to convey birthday greetings despite the fact that the meeting between you is just minutes away. When the former happened, never in the wildest of my dreams did I expect the latter to follow, in just a few months, and when the latter happened, I wondered if the former had actually taken place.

We had given birth to a baby called ‘Friendship’ while in school and just like any kid, ours too was so much attached to us and in its infancy, it was so much fun to play with, throw banters at each other. But when it was time to part ways with each other (as we moved to different high schools), we seemed blind to the fact that the baby (friendship) had to be shared equally between us and that it shall not be taken away with just one. The baby’s beauty could have been best realized and subsequently admired had we shared and when I, on my part, failed to realize this then, the baby had to be orphaned and later, it questioned to us, its birth when we were in the process of reunion after two years, in college. It’s extremely tough to get the comfort level going and fortunes did fluctuate when reunion was done in college as the last two years that preceded was too big a gap to be bridged. High school is when we enter teens and emotions run high when we just finish high school (especially in my friend’s case) and begin a new life in college. And at this point of time, in an attempt to give back life to this baby, we ended up getting petulant and made life tougher. Though we share a lot in common, the differences seemed more prominent and the prejudiced minds never really got us going in a friendly direction.
Amidst the tribulations, I acknowledged the presence of a concealed unwitting liking for each other and this exactly acts as the fulcrum on which the endurance of our friendship rests. In retrospect, I qualify this aspect of friendship as the prerequisite for a strong bond between friends, filled with trust and affection devoid of egos and mental blocks. I best enjoyed the happy times because I had a taste of the toughest times too. As time passed, we understood each other better, shared the best things in life and I always made sure, I did things that she liked the most and our friendship reached unprecedented heights. And just when it attained its peak, due to reasons known just to us, we had to move a little away from each other and became the most dependants on wireless communication.

Ironically, we spent majority of our time together when we were not the best of friends and had to move a little away from each other when our friendship reached an unmatched peak. All said and done, I still treasure the times we shared and the series of events, full of twists and turns were indeed a learning experience and deservedly, weaned me off prejudice. I still yearn for the days when I was bestowed with happiness of the highest order and life then, looked beautiful and joyous like never before. I shared the best of times for those few days when we were the best of friends and also stayed together. Without an iota of doubt, we are still the best of friends and despite the reasons that distance us, I hope for a much better life ahead (and the very best of times in the coming months).



Anonymous said...

hey rajesh,
its great to have a friend like this...its not always that a person gets to enjoy such a beautiful relationship...i think you hve explained the maturity level that u share wit her beautifully..its a perfect example of a strong friendship tat u can proudly boast about.....lots of prayers for this wonderful relationship to last forever..

Rajesh said...

Thanks for prayers for their friendship to continue....maybe u were so much involved that u forgot that it's my first attempt at fiction....

Anyway thanks...glad u liked it...

Anwesa said...

fiction but with almost real touch.
it was a nice read...keep blogging..

mou said...

even i agree with's fiction, but almost real...very apt description of the 'journey' called friendship :)...

Express said...

oye, whr did my comment disappear?

anyway, all I wanted 2 say was,
relationships are complicated.
Yes, once things get messed up, we can strike a conversation and start afresh. But, that needs bending of egos and compromising adjusting which all of us r relectant of.

nevertheless, anything 4 true friendship! :-)

and nice attempt :)

Jahnabi Roy said...

everything in life ends...dats a sad truth... but what matters is... whether it ended well or not... and whether we carry some good memories ahead with us...

Rajesh said...

@Anwesa and Mou
Thanks 4 ur comments....

Yeah...anything 4 a true friendship....oh yeah... nice attempt is it??? thanks thanks... :)

Rajesh said...

@Everything Burns
That was just perfect...what u said...u have actually absorbed what I had the sense...I made sure...there was happiness and sadness associated with the climax n u put it jus the right way...well said..

Heart'n'Soul said...

Thts really sweet!

I always believe tht frndship is the best thing to happen to us... the memories are all just so beautiful :D

but thn at the same time, things don remain the same always... though we wish the othr way round

Anonymous said...

U have a "heart pers[ective" in your writings and u have indulged in my favourite topic - Friendship..No wonder that I loved it.

WritingsForLife said...

very well written :-)

Rajesh said...

@Heart n Soul
Yeah...right...thats the best thing to happen and as u said, things don always turn the way we want it..

"Heart perspective"??? wats it???.. glad u liked it..

Oh!!! Thanks...

Kartz said...

Friendship is precious, friendship is divine.
With time, it get's better; like ye olde wine...

Brought back memories of some friendships I made... As I see it, it is the 'ungrudging acceptance' of differences that makes any relationship all the more beautiful.

A fine attempt with a lucid and seemingly personal touch.


Greetings Rajesh,

I must thank you for stopping by and voicing out. Keep visiting. As will I...

Seasons greetings.

Peace. Have a great week.

Rajesh said...

Thanks 4 dropping by dude..."Ungrudging acceptance"??? I liked it...nice choice of words there...keep coming dude..

Nivedita said...

heyy..that could have been me writing the diary except my entry would have been all : OMG OMFG!!! what is wrong with my friggin' life??!!
we take care not to end up in the same room, we dont go for parties where the other might be present, cant look each other in the eye, we laugh and joke with the same group of friends knowing these are our last days together, but never ask each other why..i still love him with all my heart but now its a worn out passion no colours..just love..
this did have a seemingly personal touch as kartz said..
and thanks for ur words on my blog..last year of engineering and a whole life of physics and boredom..EW..i'll be joining u soon though :p

Rajesh said...

Oh!!! Personal touch??? Well...and I jus wish u do not join the rat race coz to be honest, seeing the way u write, u r better off wit journalism...anyways it's ur cal at the end of it...

Well...thanks 4 dropping by...keep coming....nice meeting a WONDERFUL WRITER at blogger...

The Happy Human Jellyfish said...

I liked your layout! :D

Its nice.

I wouldn't trade because I like denim.. but yours ain't bad at all, mister!


Really? :D

Anonymous said...

When the former happened, never in the wildest of my dreams did I expect the latter to follow, in just a few months, and when the latter happened, I wondered if the former had actually taken place.

really liked these lines.The allegory in your story is awesome! I am blogrolling you-you write well :)

joie de vivre said...

so m here after long time...and got to read somthin very nicly deviced..

Rajesh said...

Well....its fictional but many have questioned it but then, it makes me feel like I've made it so happens coz ppl cud relate to FRIENDSHIP pretty well...its part n parcel of everyone's life...


I feel its tough to find this kinda FRIENDSHIP....what do u say??? have u come across elsewhere???

I gave a deep thought and built on this story n thereby penned it as a diary entry to make it better n relate things better :)

Rajesh said...

Welcome to my blog....glad u liked it...well I always like to make things implicit coz I always feel, things said implict reach ppl better than the explixit ones..

Implicit ones r those ppl accept without external pressure/ when things are said overtly....its good as long as u like them, as readers..

Thanks...keep coming...

Rajesh said...

Yeah u r here after a loooooooooooooooong time!!! Thanks 4 dropping by.. keep coming..

Anurag said...

Doesn't look like a first attempt dude ...and doesn't seem to be fiction either :P ....

True Friendship always rules but it's difficult to make/find them real life....

Awesome Layout u got mann ...must say ...Especially like the pics,polls and other things you got going with it ....Impressive :)

Rajesh said...

Well...I've mentioned its fictuion n u still doubt??? answers :) :)

Oh!! Thanks 4 the appreciation...would have been happier had u voted i the poll..

Lakshmi said...

didnt look entirely fictional to me..guess most of us go through these emotions at some point of time..

and thanks for dropping in at backpacker

Mona said...

very nice first attempt i must say... a true friend is like the sun... seasons change but the warmth of friendship always remains... blessed are those who get to experience the feeling of true, pure friendship... with no rules attached, with no obligations...

everyone in life goes through this phase that you have described.. where priorities change.. where society places ugly demands on you... where you have to start judging... but inspite of everything i am sure that true friendship remains hidden in some corner of the heart... and those memories always remain making you smile every now and then...

lovely post rajesh.. took me to a different place altogether.. beautiful and touching... hoping for some more fiction from your side.. keep writing.. cheers!!

Mahita said...

The beauty of any relation lies in the memories associated with it. Friends share a special place in every one's heart and being a friend and having a friend - is certainly one of the best things to happen in life.

And having experienced both - rejoice that you have expereinced first hand the beauty of this relation called "Friendship". And will continue appreciating the beauty of this bond... for it is a string of heart - not easily forgotten, how ever hard or tough the times may be...

Mahita said...

If this is a fictional entry - I presume you could have ended it up with a more upbeat and positive ending... :)...

And it looks a little too close to reality to accept it as fiction :D...

Either ways, it made a good read :)